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Help others by giving

Every person whose life is improved or saved, stems from an act of generosity that’s purely voluntary. That’s why donating is so extraordinary when you do it.


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Our Programs

We are planning to do something good. Please help us to make our area better.

About Us

Nisadh Dream Foundation is a non profit company registered under MCA, Government of India.

Get Involved

Whether you contribute financially or as advocate for good, you make a real difference.

Get involved where it matters

Connect with us and make a real difference to the life of those in need.

Get Involved

Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially or as advocate for good.

Learn more about our causes

Currently we are running our programs in Goalpokhar areas. We will update here in details about these soon.

Our motto

Hope is everything

Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially or as advocate for good, you make a real and lasting difference in people’s lives.

Start now

How to start?

You can contribute financially. We accept donation from Rs.10

For More Details, please contact us over the phone.

Our  Contact Number: 9933479194

We are here to help!

Contact us to get help.

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how you can help

Make a donation

Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially or as advocate for good.

Donate Regularly

Become our monthly donor. Your regular donation will help hundreds of people in their life.

Join our Efforts

You can join us in our work. Sure you will love to work for needy people. We welcome you in advance.

Our latest activity

We will update our latest activity here soon. Please Visit later.

Not updated now. Please visit later.

So far we have helped
1 +
1 +
10 +

As on 20-04-2023

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